Hiking at Redwood National Forest

Nomad Dad Life

Hello, my name is Chris Rylander.

I’m creating this blog to share my experience traveling the country, working remotely, and being a parent. I’m a husband, father, business owner, employee, traveler and beer enthusiast. The last one comes in handy when moving two young children around the country every three months. Everyone knows life with kids can be a lot to balance. I’m going to share what worked for us, what didn’t and the places and things we enjoyed most during our travels with our toddlers. I’ll also have guides and tips on how to travel with children, working remotely as a parent, and our favorite places we visited at each location.

My wife and I knew there was more to life than the routine of going to work, and paying bills. We were tired of being in debt, working opposite schedules (so we didn’t have to send our kids to daycare) and still feeling like we were not getting where we wanted to be financially. In addition we didn’t have the quality family time we wanted. We knew we had to give up our “comfortable” life and make some sacrifices in order to reach our goals.

Our family decided to pursue the travel nursing life while I work remotely. It was overwhelming at first to think about bringing our two young children (2 years old and 8 months at the time we started) on adventures across the country, but also exciting knowing that as long as we were together, home would be wherever the next contract takes us. Our plan is to do this for 2.5-3 years until our oldest child starts school. At that time we will stop the nomad lifestyle and have a permeant address again.

If you are interested in a nomadic lifestyle, traveling, parenting while traveling, or just enjoying the struggles and chaos of someone else’s life please join my email list. Also, if you or someone you know could use a personal finance coach check out my other website! www.makecentsfinancially.com, take the first step to reaching your financial goals!

Make sure to follow our journey on social media for updates and notifications.

  • Kenai Peninsula, Part 1
    Hello and welcome back to Nomad Dad Life! Today we will continue our Alaskan adventure by talking about our time…
  • Around Anchorage
    Hello and welcome back to Nomad Dad Life! Today we will continue with our travels around Alaska. If you haven’t…
  • Back to Alaska: Talkeetna
    Hello and welcome back to Nomad Dad Life! Today we continue our adventures back in Alaska after our Maui vacation….
  • Maui Vacation
    Hello and welcome back to Nomad Dad Life! If you didn’t read the last post about the Maui Death Highway,…
  • Maui
    Hello and welcome back to Nomad Dad Life! Today will be a little different travel experience than our last one…

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